Independence Day arrives this Saturday. There’s no doubt that we’ll be celebrating in Hunt Valley among a myriad of American muscle cars, their owners and families. Sure, as Americans, we love Independence Day but all too many lose sight of its true meaning. According to, Independence Day is…
“a holiday celebrating the anniversary of a country's independence from another country that ruled it in the past; especially: July 4 celebrated as a legal holiday in the U.S. in honor of the day when the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776”
The weekend is about family, fireworks shows, barbecues, parades and sporting events but – just for a moment - let us not lose focus on living in the land of the free and the home of the brave. There is the foundation of the day but even President John Adams, our country’s 2nd president, had future celebrations in mind. In a letter to his wife Abigail, John anticipated “pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more”. Darn it, that sounds like America. Embrace it.
This weekend, even if you’re not a NASCAR fan, wrap your mind around the Daytona 400. [Yes, it’s the 400. The 500 is contested in February.] Immerse yourself in – as Ray Evernham calls it – Americarna. NBC’s latest NASCAR commercial series summarizes my feelings about NASCAR on Independence Day. Take 2 minutes to view this gem: I’m fired up like a barbecue grille. While you’re at it, view the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team in the World Cup finals this Sunday. They beat the #1-seeded team from Germany and the U.S. will be favored in the finals versus Japan – the defending World Cup champs. Soccer may not quite be America’s game just yet but the world’s game will be a great view. Support our ladies!
We know that it can be a busy weekend even if its ‘busy’ with relaxation with a remote control in hand. Our fast-lane lives deserve to slow down once in a while. If your schedule has an open spot on Saturday morning, we’d love to see you at Hunt Valley Horsepower! Happy Independence Day to all!
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